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Custom Union Certificate – New type of certificate


Custom Union of Russia, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan was founded on  July 01, 2010. A goal to create this Union was  to make easier  trade between these three countries and to avoid  a lot technical regulation procedure to import goods into and to export goods out ofCustom Union territory.



In actual fact certification procedure was started on April 01, 2011. Now any applicant can get two type of certificate so that to import his goods – national certificate (in Russia it’s GOST R certificate or TR certificate) or Custom Union certificate.

事实上认证程序开始于201141日。现在,任何申请人进口产品可以得到两个类型的证书——国家证书(在俄国的GOST R证书或TR证书)或关税联盟证书

National  GOST R certificate  or TR certificate can be used to import goods and equipment only into Russia and to put goods and equipment only on Russian market. Custom Union certificate can be used to import goods and equipment into territory of any country – Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan. This certificate is valid on territory of Russia, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan. You can import your goods only with single approval. This certificate can be used instead of GOST R, GOST K and Belorussian certificates.

国家GOST R证书或TR证书可用于进口只有到俄罗斯的商品和设备,并只能将这些商品和设备投放到俄罗斯市场上。关税联盟证书——俄罗斯,白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦。此证书是对俄罗斯,白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦境内有效。只要单次批准,你就可以进口你的商品。此证书可用于代替GOST K和白俄罗斯证书。GOST R可用于进口到任何国家的货物和设备.


Shanghai Economic Cooperation Industrial Equipment Testing Co.,Ltd.
We Provide Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan Certification
No.1388 North Shan Xi Road Shanghai, 200060 China                                                       
T: +86 (0) 21 6149 8039  
 F: +86 (0) 21 6149 8001
E-mail:gost@gost.org.cn gost@gost-r.co,m.cn